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Reaching out for professional support is a sign of strength and courage.

Entering therapeutic work is a significant investment in yourself and those around you. 

My website provides a wealth of information about myself, the services I offer, my therapeutic approaches and what to expect when starting therapy. An initial conversation will help to consider how we can work together and if it would be a good fit for you.

I provide therapy, supervision, training and consultancy in English and Portuguese. 

Get in touch for a 30-minute consultation free of charge!

Individual Therapy

Life can bring challenges of many kinds and it is good to know that there is support around when you need it. 

Couple Therapy

A couple's relationship can be challenged in a multitude of ways, sometimes by individual differences, at times by external pressures.

Family Therapy

You may connect ‘family’ to your immediate family unit or include the extended family, adopted or blood-related relatives, or maybe you relate ‘family’ to the significant people in your life.

Supervision, Training and Consultancy

For counsellors, psychotherapists and clinicians from various other professional backgrounds as well as training in various Mental Health areas.

Online Video-Conferencing Services

I offer online video-conferencing therapy, supervision, training and consultation in English and Portuguese. For more general information on each type of service please refer to the related sections above.

There are many advantages and reasons why people choose online services:

  • More flexibility with the time that they can access services
  • Reduction of time and cost of transportation
  • Possibility of accessing the clinician of their preference and in the speciality related to their needs who might not be close to them geographically
  • Many people prefer to be in their own environment as oppose to the clinic or more formal settings
  • During periods of restrictions, online options are vital in offering services that would otherwise be unavailable

Although online services can be very convenient, it is also important to consider the disadvantages, such as potential difficulties with technology, lack of privacy and the limitation on the visual cue and body language. These aspects will be discussed with you and ways in which to mitigate drawbacks will be considered together.

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Get in touch with Teresa

You can schedule an initial consultation free of charge or a full on-line session via my Calendly page. For in-person sessions, please contact me directly.

You can also contact me via using the form on this page or you may call or email me using the information below.